
Mart, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

QR Code of My Blog Account

  Here is my blog account's QR code. You can easily reach and read my blogs by using a QR code reader. Thanks in advance. 

Learning Theories - Mind Mapping

Visualizing your ideas via mind mapping tools  https://www.mindmeister.com/map/2225377979   Click here to see the mind map completely!


  HELLO  Everyone! Welcome to my blog. In this post, ı am going to talk about "Padlet".  Padlet is a  digital tool that is helpful in many areas such as business, school, etc. It is not only used for education or business affair but also it can be used personally for entertainment. You can add images, videos, texts, symbols, whatever you want. All of them can be posted privately or in public. It makes an interactive space for all users; easy to use, accessible from any device that has the browser. It is free of charge so sign up for free!!!   Padlet is a board that can help digitize the classroom and more that it's a great resource for teachers and students. They can make collaborative work with it. Not only teachers post on the wall but also students even the other teachers, parents, etc. There is a good chance to be written something on sticky notes by teachers, students... It is a notice board that at its more basic. You are the person using this application, that is,