
Mayıs, 2022 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor


Piktochart is a web-based graphic design tool and infographic maker.  I will talk about the infographic creation processes in order that you make the information permanent about the favorite subject. As you know, visualizing the information means that the ties between the concepts provides better understanding. It is possible to use infographics, which are a powerful method in terms of increasing awareness, and attraction, easy understanding and providing summary information, in every lesson. It is possible to add timelines, statistical displays, flow charts ,graphs, maps on your own chart. There are many web 2.0 tools on the internet to easily and quickly prepare infographics on the topic you want. Piktochart is one of the most popular applications among them. You can use such applications both on our mobile device and on the web, you or your students can create info graphics or plan them together as an in-class out-of-class activity.   In addition, Piktochart is one of the most pref

My Avatar- Second Life

 Virtual Reality A three-dimensional virtual world (3DVW) is  a computer-simulated electronic 3D virtual environment that users can explore, inhabit, communicate, and interact with via avatars, which are graphical representations of the users . This is a new level of technology.  Second life is an example of these environments. After you have installed it on your computer, you can start using it by logging in. Firstly, you need to create your own avatar according to your features. You wander around with your avatar,  which is a different feature from the internet. Then it gives you some instructions to use Second Life. It sent you a guidebook to reach any information about it. If you want to go somewhere, you write where you want to go in the search bar. It teleports you to this area. I teleported from ısland to the IUC campus, but it was not like in real life because it expired. You can run by pressing Ctrl+r, can walk by pressing the forward button or you can do these using buttons b

Reflection Paper for Telecollaboration/ Valiant Virtual Exchange Project

  This is our telecollaboration project with Spanish college students. There are 3 universities in this project. The first one is Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa from Turkey. The others are Malaga and Complutense University from Spain. In this process, we chose our group with classmates and wrote our names on Google docs. Then, Spanish friends wrote their names, and groups of five and six formed. We sent some emails to each other to communicate and set the first meeting. We sent our phone numbers in order to create a group on Whatsapp. We thought that communication would be easier via Whatsapp. Because of my surgery situation, we made the first meeting a bit late. And this process continued like that. We followed the duties that were shared with us. Because of the planning mistakes, the Ramadan holiday, we discussed topics for the storybook on Google Docs. We introduced our famous storybooks in the third meeting. Finally, we created our storybook and sent it to them so that they gave us

Our Storybook with Canva

 Hello everyone!!! You now see another tool in my blog. Canva  is an Australian graphic design platform, used to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content. The app includes thousands of templates and stock images for users to use. It is free to use the platform as a basic plan. But by choosing the premium plan, you can reach more templates and images. Also, this provides users to edit images, symbols, logos, posters, etc.  We, our team, use Canva platform for the Storybook activity that is a product of telecollaboration. Firstly, we started to write the story on a word page, and set which image would make it on which page. Then, we copied the paragraphs and pasted them Canva. We organized the cover and the last page, We edited the color of the background. We chose some images that related to our storybook. Also we took some images from google. According to storybook, we organized and redesigned images and zoomed them in and out. We edited

Dijital Storybook: Adventures of Luka

 Here is our storybook which is the final product of the Valiant project that includes telecollaboration with Spanish students.  Adventures of Luka: First day at new school Adventure of Luka: First Day at New School


  Hi guys. I introduce  to you  another tool that can be lessons more effective and memorable. Flipgrid is a video tool that can be done discussion by recording a short videos. It helps educators see and hear from every student in class and foster a fun and supportive social learning environment.  Flipgrid allows teachers to post videos with some accompanying text about topics. It basically works for it.  These videos are shared with students, who can be prompted to respond. The response can be made with creating videos that are then posted to the original topic. I signed in with my email and answered some question about me. You can create an account or sign in as ı did. Then in account, by choosing create group option, you can create or by choosing join a group, and by entering code of class, you can enter the class. Begin to use the camera and record your videos like we did for "Which app do you like most and why?".  You can see trend topics, featured collection on the main

Pear Deck

  Today ı came up with another tool called Pear Deck from the instructional technologies and material design lesson. Pear Deck is an app for interactive teaching and educational technology company offering web-based applications. It simply works for Google Slides. That's the point that you, as a teacher, transform presentations into classroom conversations fastly. Imagine if you could engage every student in your class, every day. What if you could instantly see who’s confused and who’s ready for more? It is not impossible. Pear Deck can do that. And now, with the Pear Deck for Google Slides Add-on, you can add the formative assessments and interactive questions to your presentations right from Google Slides. Open up the Google slide and Pear Deck sidebar. Then d esign a new presentation or open an existing one in your slides. After that, upload your PowerPoint lessons to Google Slides and start to use them. Templates are created by educators to support learning.  You can always cr


  Edpuzzle is an easy-to-use platform allowing you to engage every student, one video at a time. That's why it is basically an app for teachers to use in their lessons. But, why videos? More than 65%  of students are visual learners, and 95%  of your students watch Youtube regularly. Because of that, videos are the best option.  It provides learning anywhere, anytime. Also, it is  compatible with most devices so your students can continue learning wherever they are.  Edpuzzle like the other tools can provide  free use for teachers & students.  Basic plans are available for that, and plans for your whole school or district are very affordable. Teachers by this app check for the listening comprehension of students. They can use any video available on YouTube instead of CDs and embed questions to check for understanding.  They can make any video for their lesson with Edpuzzle, and ask some questions. You, as a teacher, can make it in three easy steps: Firstly, find a video on YouT


  There are many tools that make lessons effective to use in the teaching journey. This is one of them: Edmodo. Edmodo is an online class application that is used on technological devices.  Edmodo is a global education network that helps connect all learners with the people and resources needed to reach their full potential.  You can create an account as a student, teacher, or parent.  Your best work starts here.  Stay updated, stay organized, see yourself grow, and s tay on track.  Edmodo organizes your work with class folders and  a planner so that you can stress less. Also, you can g et the answers you need. Students hate  it when class ends and they still have questions? With Edmodo, it’s easy to message your teacher or get help from your classmates.   All teachers' tools are in one place. Simplify communication and improve student engagement in your classroom and beyond. The other feature maybe that is the most important thing for students is to stay communicated with students


   Welcome back!!! Today ı am gonna introduce Jamboard to you. It is a new and effective way of teaching students in distance education.  Jamboard is a tool that can be described as an online whiteboard and used in classes. You can write and draw your own ideas, words, or something else on Jamboard as you can write or draw on whiteboards in the classrooms. And, you can use this whiteboard tool called jamboard while introducing a new topic. Also, you have a chance to move and show your pieces of information and change the mistakes. You can change the background according to your style, edit your page and add some images. Sticky notes can be used for a better and more organized looking. Then the teacher can write some comments. At the and these jambord's pages can be saved  Besides, jamboard can be used synchronously for class and asynchronously for homework, etc. Only the jamboard's page's link has to be posted. That's a good improvement for online classes. It's also

That I learned from online course: Kaizena

 Kaizena supports the performance of students. It takes place like that in the teaching process. It is a feedback tool for Google Docs. It is an add-on tool used in Google Drive.  Teachers can give feedback on student work quickly, simultaneously, and personally by typing or recording their voices. They can review up to 75% faster than typing with voice comments.  Even better,  over thirty years of research shows that s tudents love to hear the teachers' voices.   Also, let them know you, as a teacher, care with a voice comment. Or personalize one of your lessons by adding a text comment to the same thread.  Highlight and speak your voice comments, attach lessons, track skills and complete your rubric right inside Google Docs. Besides, you can  share their lessons and rubrics with your department, school, district, or campus. That provides everyone on the same page, and everything is in the same place. You can m ix and match comments. It gives a chance for a  two-way conversation.

That I learned from online course: H5P

H5P is a video maker app. If you want, you can share the videos that you made or your students can share their videos with you and their classmates. H5P is really helpful when you prepare educational videos since it is not only free and easy to use but also has some abilities.  Also, H5P is an add-on that allows you to create interactive content such as presentations, games, and quizzes. Its goal is to enable everyone to create faster, better content.  In addition to making interactive videos over the internet, H5P also has many different capabilities such as making photo collages, recording audios, and preparing presentations. To make an interactive video with H5P, y ou have to create an account for that. Creating an account is totally free. And you can choose a video under of tutorial for the author's title. When you choose your video to use, you have to download it. With the create new content, you are ready to make a video.  H5p can be used for distance and traditional educatio